Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hello World...

I wish that there were no such thing as Feline Cancer of any sort, and that the need for this blog did not exist. It does, and thus, I am starting it. Cancer is a horrible disease for any creature, human or animal. Sadly, there is far more in the way of research and treatment for humans than animals. I say that is sad because if you have a feline who is struck with cancer, it is quite frustrating to see the relative paucity of research.

That is not to say there is NONE, just that, sadly, it is fairly limited. That said, I am thankful and grateful for those souls who HAVE engaged in trying to find good treatments for this dread disease in cats.

Of course, "cancer" is just not one disease. As with cancer in humans, there are various types of cancers in cats, depending on their tissue of origin, their aggressive nature, and more. There are textbooks written on cancer in cats, and certainly, this blog is not going to replace those textbooks. It is primarily intended for those people who love cats, who want to try to find information to help in the care and treatment of cats with cancer,
and I will try to keep it, as far as possible, approachable by the layperson and felinophile.

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