Saturday, November 9, 2013

Palladia and other Medications

As noted in other places, the treatment of a cancer often depends on the type of cells from which it sprang, level of advancement of the tumor, and other factors.
One thing however, that tumors in general have in common, is that they, like other cells of the body, need nutrients. Nutrients is a broad term and can apply to things such as water, sugars, oxygen, etc. In general, cancer as a cell type, tends to demand more sugar than normal cells, and relies LESS on oxygen. It is often thought that essentially, cancer cells are reverting to a more primitive state in which sugar is craved, and oxygen is not needed as much, hence the term "anaerogic" or without air or oxygen metabolism.

As a more primitive cell, they lose so-called "contact inhibition" meaning that cancer cells, as opposed to normal cells, lose the ability to be stopped in their outward advancement for space, when they come into physical contact with other cells. Normally, cells of the body that recognize their neighboring cells are "friendly", will stop pushing outward when they bump into neighboring cells. Cancer cells, on the other hand, act as if they are enemy attackers dropped into the body, and will try to push normal cells out of their way, or even destroy them. This tendency to "clump up" if you will, is one reason that tumors occur, as cancer cells, without the normal regulatory mechanisms, pile up as they grow and reproduce, with no notion that they need to stay within the confines of normal cell patterns.

But, even though they may not see themselves as part of the body any more, essentially becoming immortal foreign intruders, cancerous tumors STILL have a need for an energy source to carry on their attacks and metabolism. The universal "highway" for nutrients in the body is the circulatory system. Blood brings to organs, those nutrients they need to survive. Now, since cancers often form "colonies" where there are NOT normal blood supplies (because they are not where they are supposed to be), they have to get blood vessels to come to them.

Tumors do this by a process called "neoangiogenesis" or growing new blood vessels. In essence , tumor create and produce a substance that makes blood vessels start growing toward them. The tumor, evil and life threatening as it is, still needs blood coming to it and without it, the tumor will shrivel up and die. Thus, one approach to cancerous tumors is to find a way to deprive them of blood. 

One such approach involves use of the medication called Palladia (Toceranib phosphate). Palladia (Toceranib phosphate).  Palladia was the first antineogenesis and antiproliferative cancer treatment approved by the FDA, for use with canines. 

It is now being used more and more for canine mast tumors (tumors derived from so-called "mast cells") in dogs, and now, even in cats. At first, it was only open to pet oncologists (cancer specialists), but now, open to use by Veterinarians in general.

More on this medication can be found at

Another medication in use, especially with regard to mast cell derived cancers, is Kinavet (masitinib)!information-for-veterinarians/cq2w


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